
What is tax accountant


Do Certified Public Tax Accountant (CPTA) have to file tax returns in Japan?


CPTA is authorized to prepare and file the tax return on behalf of the taxpayers, i.e. companies and individuals. On the other hand, if taxpayers prepare and file the tax return by themselves without endorsement by CPTA, it is also acceptable. However, it is recommended that you assign a CPTA, since it is not easy to calculate Corporation Tax and Consumption Tax in Japan.

CPTAs are tax specialists stipulated by the Certified Public Tax Accountant Law. The law allows solely CPTAs to provide following services as professionals, for example.

  1. Representation:

Serving as an agent, or deputy, for taxpayers in the filing of their returns and other documents to the tax authorities.

  1. Preparation of tax documents:

Preparing for clients tax-related documents to be filed with the tax authorities, based on tax-related laws and ordinances, such as tax returns, application forms, invoices, applications for administrative protest, etc., as well as documents for submission to tax authorities as provided in Ministry of Finance ordinances.

  1. Consultation:

Consultation services for computing tax base, etc. regarding returns to be filed with tax authorities, claims or appeals to the authorities, preparation of tax-related documents such as returns, etc.

(Source: Japan Federation of Certified Public Tax Accountants’ Association)

Although the lawyers and CPAs also can be qualified as CPTA, they are not allowed to provide the tax-related services above unless they are officially registered as CPTA